


We had an inch and half rain last Thursday evening, ground is wet and trees look happy. Next morning, Terry and I threw some fertilizer, covered half of our farm. Yesterday morning, we finished fertilizing the rest farm in 2 hours. Terry was soaking wet, and I hardly sweat at all. It took us 4/5 hours to throw 1500lb fertilizer on 4 acres, I thought our team work is getting better and more efficient than before.

The first few years of my farming life, fertilizing was a hard work for me. Carrying 5 gallon bucket fertilizer on the rocky land, visiting and giving 2or3 hands full food to each coffee tree; and the ground is wet, tree is wet, or it’s raining, we were soaking wet when we done the work. Quite often I wanted quit the work earlier than Terry, and he wanted to finish the whole work as soon as we could.

I told Terry, I felt quite easy with the work now. I don’t think about how big the field is, or how heavy the fertilizer pile looks like any more. I used to think in that way, and it wore me out before we had done the work. Now I took one step at a time, threw one hand full at a time, no ambition for big goal, I can quit whenever I want to ( that’s the best part, and I know it ). This attitude of mine might not fit in other career, but it fits in my career very well as a coffee farmer.

We noticed the second big round coffee flower buds show up, love to watch their transformation.

Now we did our part of work for the coffee trees, we can relax and let them do their part of work in their own way.

There is never ending of work on a farm, and we are not eager to do everything in one day. We’ll do something every day, feel accomplishment at the end of a day. There will always more things for tomorrow, there will be tomorrow, and we have tomorrow to look forward.